The story centers around the mattress relationship of a perpetually sleepy husband and his enterprising wife, who makes extra cash as a phone sex operator.
LOS ANGELES TIMES (Dale Winogura): "[T]he marital grace of BEDTIME STORIES combine to create an openly warm and tangible tone. The actors complement the dialogue, fleshing out believably stunted or expressively caring portraits.... A fine evening of theatre... rich in character.”
VILLAGE VIEW (George T. Chronis): "BEDTIME STORIES is a delightful comedy centered around the mattress relationship of a perpetually tired husband (Tony Mosley) and his wife (Donna Weiss) who makes extra cash as a phone sex operator.... [The play] proves to be an insightful as well as humorous look at today’s changing relationships.”
DRAMA-LOGUE (Elias Stimac): "[E]ntertaining.... It is to the credit of the charming Weiss and the superbly subtle Mosley, along with some nice touches by director Nicholas Cohn, that we get to know who these characters are in such a short period of time.”
Production: Red Room Theatre - New York, NY
Production: American Renegade Theatre - North Hollywood, CA
Production: Parenthesis Theatre Club - Atlanta, GA
Production: Nat Horne Theatre - New York, NY
Published by Smith & Kraus in an anthology entitled THE BEST TEN MINUTE PLAYS OF 2005. 2 ACTORS